Recipe from Kunal Organics
Fragrance and Temperature Sensitive Colours
(Microencapsulation Approach)
Various chemical and physico-chemical techniques are used for improving aesthtic and functional properties of textiles. Application of textile finishing agents is still the primary approach for improving such properties. The last and perhaps most promising physico chemical method of applying finishing agents to textiles is microencapsulation of the agent and affixing of the microcapsuls to the fibrous substrate. An example of its utility for fabric is microencapsulation of catalyst and or durable press resins for fabrics. Another example is the diffusion of Antibacterials or pesticides from textile material laminated.
Microencapsulation technology is increasingly being used in Japan to produce modified fabrics having novel functional properties. Microcapsules containing perfume have been attached to fabrics that release a fragrance, and cholesteric liquid. These have been microencapsulated into coated fabrics to produce swimsuits and skiwear that changes colour when the temperature rises or falls. It is probable that future developments and innovations will occur in the attachment of microcapsules to fibrous substrates to produce various improved properties. A typieal recipe for fragrance and thermo colour for dyeing and printing is given below.
Aroma Granule AG Ink for Printing
Aroma Granule Aqvolite Ink is concentrated paste prepared by microencapsulation technology. The capsules, an rubbing with hands or scrubbing, give 18 different kinds of pleasant fragance. The capsules on pattern are durable for quite a long time, unless adverse conditions are used. They can be used on any fibrers. Aroma Granule AG Inks (Perfume Capsules), available in milky-white form, are stable for one year when stored in cool dark place.
Aroma Granule AG Ink 10-30 Parts
Binder 90-70 Parts
Fixer 2 Parts
Total 102 Parts
Print-Dry (1200 C for 3 minutes)
Chromicolor-Photopia – Aroma Granule System (Temperature Sensitive Colours for Garment Dyeing)
Cotton woven/knitted garments can be dyed in garment dyeing m/c using following colours-auxiliaries and conditions.
Dyes/Chemicals Quantity (% O.W.F) Purpose
Fixer P 3 Pre-treatment for Aqua tite Color
Binder MRY 10-19 Adhesive for Aqualite Color
Retardant PG-1 0.4 Dyeing auxiliary.
Retardant PG-2 0.2 Dyeing auxiliary.
Printgen PG-3 0.2 Defoamer
Chromi Color 10-20 Temperature Sensitive Color
Aquvalite Ink Phtopia Aqualite Ink 10-20 Light Sensitive Color
Aroma Granule Aqualite Ink Fregance PG Color MI 2 Dispersing liquid for pigment
Softener 5 Softening agonl
Processing Method
(i) Fill the machine with soft water and then load with garment.
(ii) Add diluted fixer and run the machine for 10-20 minutes at R.T.
(iii) Raise the temperature to 700C. 30/minutes and run for 15 min.
(iv) Drain the water and rinse
Dyeing – Finishing
(i) Fill the machine with water and dyeing auxiliaries.
(ii) Pre dissolve the color add to the machine; run for 20 minutes.
(iii) Raise the temp. to 700C. 20/min. and run for
30 min. Do not use direct steam for heating.
(iv) Wash using softener
(v) Drain – Hydro extract Tumble Dry
Heat – Treatment
Garments are baked at 130oC
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